A lightweight CoffeeScript library/DSL for reactive programming and for declaratively building scalable web UIs

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Already familiar with other frameworks such as Angular or React? See Design and Comparisons.
  • Library of reactive programming primitives
  • Declarative DOM construction
  • Scalable in both performance and application architecture
  • Simple, no magic, no new template language, all CoffeeScript
  • Tested with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE10
  • Available via Bower and cdnjs
  • Works with jQuery
  • MIT license

Example: To-Do List

Prefer prose to code? Read our introductory blog post for an overview.

Get a quick taste of You can play with this example on jsFiddle, see a complete TodoMVC example, or head directly to the tutorial.

# This is our application's core data model, an array of Task objects.
# `cell` and `array` are our primitive reactive data structures.  You can
# listen for (and react to) changes to their values.

class Task
  constructor: (descrip, priority, isDone) ->
    @descrip = rx.cell(descrip)
    @priority = rx.cell(priority)
    @isDone = rx.cell(isDone)

tasks = rx.array([
  new Task('Get milk', 'important', false)
  new Task('Play with Reactive Coffee', 'critical', false)
  new Task('Walk the dog', 'meh', false)

# Our main view: a checklist of tasks, a button to add a new task, and a
# task editor component (defined further down).
# `bind` (and ``) are the central mechanisms by which you can
# declare cells that are always bound to the current value of some
# expression over other cells.  `z = bind -> x.get() + y.get()` says `z`
# should always reflect the sum even as `x` and `y` change.  Subscription
# management is handled automatically.

main = ->
  currentTask = rx.cell( # "View model" of currently selected task

    div {class: 'task-manager'}, [
      h1 bind -> "#{tasks.length()} task(s) for today"
      ul {class: 'tasks'}, (task) ->
        li {class: bind -> "task-#{if task == currentTask.get() then 'selected' else 'unselected'}"}, [
          input {type: 'checkbox', click: -> task.isDone.set(@is(':checked')); true}
          span {class: 'descrip'}, bind ->
            "#{task.descrip.get()} (#{task.priority.get()})"
          a {href: 'javascript: void 0', click: -> currentTask.set(task)}, 'Edit'
      button {click: -> tasks.push(new Task('Task', 'none', false))}, 'Add new task'
      taskEditor {
        task: bind -> currentTask.get()
        onSubmit: (descrip, priority) ->

# The task editor demonstrates how to define a simple component.
# Reusable components, encapsulating both view and behavior, are key to
# application scalability.

taskEditor = (opts) ->
  task = -> opts.task.get()
  theForm = form [
    h2 'Edit Task'
    label 'Description'
    descrip = input {type: 'text', value: bind -> task().descrip.get()}
    label 'Priority'
    priority = input {type: 'text', value: bind -> task().priority.get()}
    label 'Status'
    span bind -> if task().isDone.get() then 'Done' else 'Not done'
    button 'Update'
  # Here we are munging the strings a bit before updating the model.  The
  # displayed text will instantly reflect the munged data (try
  # appending/prepending spaces).  We could've also made this a `submit`
  # property on the `form` element above; the point is that these are
  # normal jQuery objects that you can flexibly manipulate.
  theForm.submit ->
    opts.onSubmit(descrip.val().trim(), priority.val().trim())


Next steps

See more quickstart examples, read through the tutorial, or learn more about the motivation and design rationale.


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