API Reference

rx Namespace

This contains the core reactive programming primitives. These are the core data structures:

  • ObsCell: observable cell base class
    • SrcCell: a source cell, one that can be directly mutated
    • DepCell: a dependent cell, one whose value is some function of another observable cell
  • ObsArray: observable array base class
    • SrcArray: a source array, one that can be directly mutated
    • DepArray: a dependent array, one whose value is some transformation of another observable array
  • ObsMap: observable object (map) base class
    • SrcMap: a source object, one that can be directly mutated
    • DepMap: a dependent object, one whose value is some transformation of another observable object
  • Ev: an event node; serves as a pub-sub node for events of a certain type

Free functions

  • cell(value): return a SrcCell initialized to the given value (optional; defaults to undefined)
  • array(value[, diff]): return a SrcArray initialized to the given array (optional; defaults to []) and the given diff function for computing/propagating the minimal set of change events (defaults to rx.basicDiff()).
  • bind(fn): given a 0-ary function, return a DepCell whose value is bound to the result of evaluating that function. The function is immediately evaluated once, and each time it's evaluated, for any accesses of observables, the DepCell subscribes to the corresponding events, which may subsequently trigger future re-evaluations.
  • snap(fn): evaluate the given 0-ary function while insulating it from the enclosing bind. This will be evaluated just once and prevents subscriptions to any observables contained therein.
  • asyncBind(init, fn): create an asynchronous bind. The given fn is expected to call this.record(f) up to at most one time at some point during its potentially asynchronous duration before calling this.done(result). The call to this.record(f) evaluates f while recording the implicit subscriptions triggered by accesses to observables. (You can call done from within record but the result won't be set on this cell until after record finishes.) The cell's initial value is init.
  • lagBind(lag, init, fn): same as bind but waits a 500ms delay after a dependency changes (or after initialization) before the DepCell refreshes. For the first 500ms, the cell's value is init; you can set this to e.g. noSub(fn) if you want to immediately populate it with the result of evaluating your given fn.
  • postLagBind(init, fn): immediately evaluates fn, which is expected to return a {val, ms}, where ms indicates how long to wait before publishing val as the new value of this DepCell. Until the first published value, the cell is initialized to init.
  • reactify(obj, spec): mutates an object to replace the specified fields with ES5 getters/setters powered by an observable cell/array, and returns the object. spec is a mapping from field name to {type, val}, where type is 'array' or 'cell' and val is an optional initial value.
  • autoReactify(obj): mutates an object to reactify all fields (specifying array for arrays and cell for everything else), and returns the object
  • flatten(xs): given an array of either arrays, observable arrays, observable cells, or other elements, flatten them into one dependent array, which will be able to react to changes in any of the observables. It furthermore strips out undefined/null elements (for convenient conditionals in the array).
  • onDispose(callback): add a (0-ary) cleanup listener, which gets fired whenever the current (enclosing) bind is removed or refreshed. This is useful for proper resource disposal, such as closing a connection or removing an interval timer.
  • skipFirst(f): wrap a 1-ary function such that the first invocation is simply dropped. This is useful for subscribing an event listener but suppressing the initial invocation at subscription time.
  • autoSub(ev, listener): Subscribes a listener to an event but such that if this is called from within a bind context, the listener will be properly cleaned up (unsubscribed) on context disposal. Returns the subscription ID.
  • concat(arrays...): returns a dependent array that is the result of concatenating multiple ObsArrays (efficiently maintained).
  • cellToArray(cell[, diff]): given an ObsCell of an array, return a DepArray that issues the minimal set of change events by diffing the contents of the array to determine what has changed. Similar in mechanism to SrcArray.update. diff is an optional diff function (see SrcArray.update documentation) and defaults to rx.basicDiff().
  • basicDiff([key]): returns a diff function that takes two arrays and uses the given key function, which defaults to rx.smartUidify, to efficiently hash-compare elements between the two arrays. Used by rx.cellToArray.
  • smartUidify(x): returns a unique identifier for the given object. If the item is a scalar, then return its JSON string. If the item is an object/array/etc., create a unique ID for it, insert it (this is a standard "hashing hack" for JS) as a non-enumerable property __rxUid, and return it (or just return any already-existing __rxUid). I.e., this implements reference equality. Used by rx.basicDiff.
  • lift(x[, spec]): convert an object x containing regular non-observable fields to one with observable fields instead. spec is a mapping from field name to either 'cell', 'array', or 'map', based on what kind of observable data structure we want. By default this is supplied by rx.liftSpec.
  • liftSpec(x): given an object x, return a spec for rx.lift where any field that is an array is to be stored in an rx.array, and otherwise in an rx.cell.
  • transaction(f): run the given function in a transaction, during which updates to observables will not emit change events to their subscribers. Only once the transaction ends will all events be fired (at which time the state of the source cells will no longer be in flux, and thus a consistent view of the universe can always be maintained).

ObsCell members

  • get(): return current value of the cell
  • onSet: the event that is fired after the value of the cell is changed. The event data is an array of two elements, [oldVal, newVal].

SrcCell members

  • set(x): set value of cell to x and return old value of x
  • inherits ObsCell

DepCell members

  • inherits ObsCell
  • disconnect: unsubscribes this cell from its dependencies and recursively disconnects all nested binds; useful for manual disposal of binds

ObsArray members

  • at(i): return element at i
  • all(): return array copy of all elements
  • raw(): return raw array of all elements; this is unsafe since mutations will violate the encapsulated invariants, but serves as a performance escape hatch around all()
  • length(): return size of the array
  • map(fn): return DepArray of given function mapped over this array
  • onChange: the event that is fired after any part of the array is changed. The event data is an array of three elements: [index, added, removed], where index is the index where the change occurred, added is the sub-array of elements that were added, and removed is the sub-array of elements that were removed.
  • indexed(): return a DepArray that mirrors this array, but whose map method passes in the index as well. The mapper function takes (x,i) where x is the current element and i is a cell whose value always reflects the index of the current element.

SrcArray members

  • SrcArray([xs[, diff]]): constructor that initializes the content array to xs (note: keeps a reference and does not create a copy) and the diff function for update to diff (defaults to rx.basicDiff()).
  • splice(index, count, additions...): replace count elements starting at index with additions
  • insert(x, i): insert value x at index i
  • remove(x): find and remove first occurrence of x
  • removeAt(i): remove element at index i
  • push(x): append x to the end of the array
  • put(i, x): replace element i with value x
  • replace(xs): replace entire array with raw array xs
  • update(xs[, diff]): replace entire array with raw array xs, but apply the diff algorithm to determine the minimal set of changes for which to emit events. This enables flexible updating of the array, representing arbtirary transformations, while at the same time minimizing the downstream recomputation necessary (particularly DOM manipulations).
  • inherits ObsArray

DepArray members

  • inherits ObsArray

ObsMap members

  • get(k): return value associated with key k
  • all(): return raw object copy
  • onAdd: the event that is fired after an element is added. The event data is [key, newVal].
  • onRemove: the event that is fired after an element is removed. The event data is [key, oldVal].
  • onChange: the event that is fired after a key's value is changed. The event data is [key, oldVal, newVal].

SrcMap members

  • put(k, v): associate value v with key k and return any prior value associated with k
  • remove(k): remove the entry associated at key k
  • update(map): update the current SrcMap's contents to those of the given JS object map, triggering any necessary removes and puts
  • inherits ObsMap

DepMap members

  • inherits ObsMap

Ev members

  • sub(listener): subscribes a listener function for events from this event node and returns a unique ID for this subscription, which can be used as the handle by which to unsubscribe later. The listener takes a single argument, whose type depends on the event, and is called every time an event is fired on this event node.
  • pub(data): publish an event, described by the data in data. data is what will be passed to all the subscribed listeners.
  • unsub(subscriptionId): detaches a listener from this event.

rx.rxt Namespace

This contains the template DSL constructs. Main thing here is the tag function, which is what constructs a DOM element.

Free functions

  • mktag(tag): returns a tag function of the given tag name. The various tags like div and h2 are simply aliases; e.g., div = mktag('div'). Tag functions themselves take (attrs, contents), both optional, where attrs is a JavaScript object of HTML attributes and/or special attributes and contents is an array (ObsArray or regular Array) of child nodes (either raw elements, RawHtml, or jQuery objects) and/or strings (for text nodes). You can also pass in a singular such node without the array. The function returns an instance of the specified element wrapped in a jQuery object. See also specialAttrs below for more on special attributes.
  • importTags([dest]): populate the global namespace (or the dest object if given) with the tag symbols, so you don't need have rxt all over your templates. Useful for quickly throwing something together.
  • rawHtml(html): returns a RawHtml wrapper for strings that tags won't escape when rendering; example: div {}, [rawHtml('<span>hello</span>')]
  • rxt.cast(...): two forms:
    • rxt.cast(opts, types): convenience utility for use in preparing arguments for a component. opts is the arguments object mapping, and types is an object mapping fields of opts to either cell or array. cast returns a copy of opts but with the fields casted based on the specified desired types (yielding observable cells and arrays).
    • rxt.cast(data, type): lift the given datum to the given type; acts as identity function if data is already of the proper type
  • rxt.cssify(props): (deprecated: set the style property directly to a JSON object instead of using this so as to use jQuery.css, which is smarter about interpreting the given values) convenience utility for programmatically constructing strings suitable for use as a style attribute. Takes an object mapping camelCase versions of style property names and values that are either strings (which are put in verbatim), numbers (which are written as pixels), or null/undefined (which omits that property altogether).
  • rxt.smushClasses(classes): convenience utility for programmatically constructing strings suitable for use as a class attribute. Takes an array of strings or undefineds (useful for conditionally including a class), and filters out the null/undefined.
  • Tags: p, br, ul, li, span, anchor, div, input, select, option, label, button, fieldset, legend, section, header, footer, strong, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7

jQuery plug-in

  • rx(property): lazily create (or take the cached instance) of a cell whose value is maintained to reflect the desired property on the element. property can be 'checked', 'focused', or 'val'. Returns the cell.

Special attributes

Special attributes are handled differently from normal. The built-in special attributes are primarily events like click:

button {click: -> console.log('hello')}, 'Hello'

Special attributes are really just a convenient short-hand for running the handler functions after constructing object. The above example is equivalent to:

$button = button 'Hello'
$ -> console.log('hello')

The built-in special attributes available include:

  • init: which is a 0-ary function that is run immediately upon instantiation of the element.

  • style: automatically transforms the given value with cssify if it's not a string

  • class: automatically transforms the given value with smushClasses if it's not a string

  • events like click, focus, mouseleave, keyup, load, etc.,: these are available for all jQuery events. The handlers are similar to those you would pass to a jQuery event method—they take a jQuery event and return false to stop propagation—but the context is the jQuery-wrapped element instead of the raw element. The full list:

    • blur
    • change
    • click
    • dblclick
    • error
    • focus
    • focusin
    • focusout
    • hover
    • keydown
    • keypress
    • keyup
    • load
    • mousedown
    • mouseenter
    • mouseleave
    • mousemove
    • mouseout
    • mouseover
    • mouseup
    • ready
    • resize
    • scroll
    • select
    • submit
    • toggle
    • unload

specialAttrs: an object mapping special attribute names to the functions that handle them. When an element specifies a special attribute, this handler function is invoked. The handler function takes (element, value, attrs, contents), where:

  • element is the element being operated on
  • value is the value of this special attribute for element
  • attrs is the full map of attributes for element
  • contents is the content/children for element (which can be a string, RawHtml, array, ObsCell, or ObsArray)

So for instance, we can create a special attribute drag that just forwards to the jQuery [jdragdrop] plug-in:

rxt.specialAttrs.drag = (elt, fn, attrs, contents) -> elt.drag(fn)

and then use it like so in your templates:

div {class: 'block', drag: -> $(this).css('top', e.offsetY)}