

A platform feature looming on the horizon of ECMAScript is that of Object.observe, which allows for reacting to mutation events on objects without needing explicit syntax for it, e.g.:

x = 0
foo.x = 3


x = rx.cell(0)

The main benefit here is that you needn't sprinkle rx.cell annotations everywhere and you can re-use existing code that mutates objects normally without going through .set. This similarly means that bindings do not need to explicitly call .get, and instead can assume a .get on any variable access.

[Angular] and other frameworks support free-form models, but must do additional work to re-compute what has actually changed. The [Polymer] framework pioneered support for Object.observe, but as of this writing it's not a widely supported feature (only available in Chrome Canary) and the framework has a more expensive fallback.

Dirty-Tracking Re-Rendering Analysis

The fine-grained control over re-rendering and bindings is powerful, but for bindings that are non-performance-critical or don't need to scale, it's less effort to not have to selectively decide where those bindings exist. Simply make everything dynamically bound, and then with events being used only to determine what parts of the model have been dirtied, we can instead let the framework compute optimal set(s) of the DOM to re-render automatically.

Once everything is a binding, slightly modified/more scalable syntax and idioms may be warranted, so that instead of:

ul {class: (bind -> "biglist"), style: (bind -> "display: #{shown}")}, (x) ->
  li {}, bind -> ["#{}"]

we write:

ul {
  class: -> "biglist"
  style: -> "display: #{shown}"
  contents: (x) ->
    li { contents: -> ["#{}"] }

A related idea for even simpler applications is to throw away all observables and bindings, and re-build the entire view on every change to the model via an API that mirrors rxt except for returning lightweight DOM representations. By computing the diff between DOM representations (rather than tracking dirtiness of bindings), the actual DOM operations can be determined.

Network Data Bindings

This is flexible, but it would be convenient to have some implementations of Comet- or WebSocket-based push mechanisms that works well with various server-side frameworks.